I've always loved crab - one of my earliest memories was getting sick from eating too much of it! When I lived in San Francisco, I especially enjoyed the local Dungeness Crab, and the first day of the season just happens to fall on my birthday. There were many annual "Crabpocalypse" parties had and guests were always impressed.
It seems that crab is intimidating to many - but don't be worried. Crab is about as easy as it gets - if you can boil water, you can cook crab! Make sure the water is well salted - "salty like the sea" is how I was taught.

For clusters - meaning the legs have been detached from the central body - just boil for about 5 minutes, until the meat is warm.
For whole, live crab, I prefer to put them in the freezer before cooking (this also goes for lobster). The live animal goes to sleep and it is a much more humane method when you drop them in boiling water. That being said, it's most likely that you won't be getting live crabs, so boil them for about 7 minutes.
In the water, I like to add several lemons worth of juice and drop in the entire squeezed lemons.
To serve, add lemon wedged, and Chorizo Butter:
Cook chorizo in a non-stick saute pan.
Reserve cooked chorizo for another use and poor chorizo grease into melted butter.
Dip crab meat in butter-chorizo mix.
That's all! It's that simple!